Thursday, April 2, 2020

on getting dressed while at home

CONTROVERSIAL OPINION - I’ve seen the memes about wearing jeans at home, but hear me out. 

whether you’re newly working from home or you’re a seasoned stay-at-home parent, these are weird times for all of us! while being home and living in your cozies is a welcome change for a lot of people, I’m making the case for getting dressed (almost) everyday. 

Getting dressed has been super helpful for us in our house to get our day started, separate day/night, keep some normalcy and all around feel less like a potato. The days are dragging out and my mood surrounding all of this uncertainty ebbs and flows from optimistic to the latter - but getting dressed and putting in a little effort has helped balance that out (and made my reflection less alarming when I casually pass by a mirror eating yet another snack).

so I’m sharing some of my go-to tips and outfits that I’ve been wearing on all my trips from the fridge to the couch (and afternoon walks!).

top: Mate The Label (similar), jeans

denim shirt, (i also like this onejeans 

GO MONOCHROMATIC ~ with everything else there is to think about, keep it simple by going monochromatic. all denim, all cream, all white, all black etc. or non-neutrals, but lets be real, I don’t own those. 

mate the label top + bottoms (also love all oddbird for lounging)

LUX LEISURE WEAR ~ change out of your stained pjs and throw on a loungewear set that you’d be cool with the mail man seeing through the window (as you wave to the only real face you’ve seen other than your family) and one that makes you feel put together but still comfy. 

top (actually a sleep shirt so bonus for extra comfy), vintage levis (similar)
WRINKLY FABRICS WELCOME ~  long time linen lover (say that 5 times fast) over here! the wrinklier the better in my opinion, which is perfect because Lord knows no one is pulling an iron out during these times. 

vintage sweater from greece (similar here and here), jeans, tee

TRIED AND TRUE SWEATER ~ I don’t know about where you live, but the weather has been all over the place here - ranging from 80 and sunny to multiple chilly days of rain. for those days we call on our trusty, coziest, oversized sweater. pair with jeans (or leggings if you’re feeling the urge for elastic waistbands) and make some tea*. 

*and if you’re a mom like me, set your tea down somewhere while you entertain your boss, I mean child, and then discover it hours later when the mood has passed, take some sips of room temp / cold tea and move on with your day. 

BONUS TIP ~ throw on some hoops and wear your baby 

no matter what you're wearing during this time, the most important thing is that you're staying inside and staying safe. not just for yourself - but for others! so shift for mindset from "stuck" inside, to safe inside, wash your hands again and stop hoarding toilet paper and flour. 


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