Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Hospital bag checklist: how to pack it, and what’s in it.

For some reason I can’t stop thinking about my hospital bag these days. Maybe it’s the fact that we only have a week left. Or maybe it’s just all a part of pregnancy and nesting and your brain hyper-focusing on everything else because you don’t have a lot in your control right now. 
Either way, I’ve found myself googling and asking other moms around me what they packed in their hospital bags, what’s necessary / not, what they wish they had and what they could have done without. 
The first step: the actual bag. 
Somehow I didn’t own a weekender bag all this time and I knew I didn’t want to bring a rolling bag as that would take up more room and tempt me to overpack it. We wanted something we could easily grab and go with. 
Enter: the Catalina Deluxe Weekender by Lo and Sons. This bag is the perfect size for any and all quick trips, including, but not limited to our trip to the hospital! This bag is lightweight and has a very convenient bottom compartment to store shoes, or easy access things (I’m going to pack baby stuff in the bottom!). It fits way more than you think it does which is great because I was able to pack for me, baby, and dad all in one bag. 
Next: packing the bag
As obsessive over the hospital bag as I have been, I really didn’t want to over pack it. I’ve tried to use my accumulative knowledge from friends and the internet to really nail down what we will and won’t need. But — it’s also our first kid, I’d be remiss if I didn’t throw in an extra thing or two just in case. 
01. robe + nightgown - I’m packing my Coyuchi organic robe and a James Perse cotton dress to use as a nightgown. Both in black, both providing easy access for nursing and both good for when we have visitors and I want to feel a little ‘together’. 
02. pajama set - I love a good pj set and want to throw one in as an option in case it’s too cold for the dress or I need an extra change of clothes (because who knows what could happen). 
03. socks / slippers - I’ve been told a million times how cold your feet get at the hospital, even though I’ve been so hot this entire pregnancy, I’m packing a pair of non-slip socks to keep my toes warm.
04. toiletries - paring down my toiletries to the bare necessities. toothbrush / paste, face spritz, cleanser, moisturizer, chapstick, scrunchies, dry shampoo. and maybe throwing in my quick every day makeup which consists of: RMS un-coverup, a tinted balm and mascara to freshen up and give my face a little life for those first photos (but let’s be real, I’ll probably be makeup free with a bun on top of my head holding the sweetest boy ever and not caring one bit)!
05. nursing items -  reusable nursing pads, lanolin free salve and a nursing bra
06. going home outfit -  joggers, tee, sweatshirt combo! the weather has been so unpredictable, I’m throwing in the extra layer just in case it’s a little chilly that day. 
07. pillow - I’ve never been great at sleepovers, so bringing a comfort from home to help me relax is always a good idea. I hear you don’t get much sleep anyway, but I’m bringing my own pillow to help. 
01. carseat - you can’t take baby home without it! 
02. swaddle / blanket - bringing one of the swaddles we got from our shower to snuggle with baby and maybe a thicker quilted blanket just in case. 
03. socks - cutie little white organic socks 
04. kimono onesies / tops / leggings - all organic, all neutral and with built in mittens to avoid scratches. I’m throwing a couple of options in to see what works best and what he likes - baby clothes are tiny, there’s room! kimono styles seem like they will be easiest in the beginning and give space for the umbilical cord. 
05. going home outfit - a sweet organic footed onesie and a hat 
baby extras I’m considering: diaper cream + diapers - I know the hospital will provide both, but in case baby has extra sensitive skin like I do, I’m considering throwing in our all natural options for these things. We plan to use Honest and Parasol for diapers and Burt’s Bees all over ointment for any and everything.

01. comfy outfit - dad won’t need to change clothes as much as I will, but I want him to be comfy! 
02. bathing suit - weird, but I hear this is good to have in case he has to help me in the shower etc.
03. toiletries 
04. cash for extra snacks and vending machines 
important IDs and papers 
phone chargers + camera 
re-useable water bottle
And that’s it! It’s all packed up in our Lo and Sons weekender and waiting by the door for whenever little man decides he’s ready to come. We’re so ready and waiting every day to rush out the door to meet him!
** this post is in partnership with Lo and Sons - this bag was gifted but all thoughts and opinions are my own **

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