I've gotten a lot of questions about where we get Miles' books and toys from so I decided to put together a roundup of Miles' favorite books! We have been reading to him since he was born and this boy LOVES books. He has a few that he's loved for his whole life and he's super picky about which books he likes and dislikes - so it's definitely a trial and error system when it comes to getting new books. But since we read to him so often, we try to mix in some new ones often because we get bored (and I have all of his favorites memorized so I need new material lol).
We have a pretty good mix of board books and regular books - and while Miles is super into some of the board books, his favorites are "big boy" books.
from left to right:
the day the crayons quit: he's not super into this one at this point.
choo choo: a vintage book (hardback version) I bought at a garage sale before I was pregnant!
triangle: a favorite!
(brown book is a book of pictures + notes from my baby shower)
my dad used to be so cool: a favorite!
pantone colors: he really likes this one (which is rare because he usually only likes books with stories)
a long piece of string: also bought at that garage sale before I was pregnant!
here we are: not always his favorite, but he likes it.
square: a favorite!
stuck: I think this book is so cute, but Miles never lets me finish it - he's just not into it. I'm hoping one day he likes it!
circle: a favorite!
next stop, grand central: another one he's not into yet but it is Carman and I's favorite. its so interesting.
in the garden with van gogh: a quick read with van gogh's famous pieces.
His all time favorite books are the shape trilogy by Mac Barnett and Jon Klassen.
Square - we started with this one. I put it on our baby registry because Carman read it at the Eco Park Craft Fair and we both loved it. We've read it to him since has born! This was his favorite for a while.
Circle - next up in the series and I think it might be his current favorite. but we read them all at least 5 times a day. not kidding.
Triangle - completing the trilogy and probably the funniest.
We bought Miles Circle and Triangle for Christmas and he was so excited!
My Dad Used To Be So Cool - this is a new favorite! This was also on our registry and he always liked it, but as of recently he LOVES it. Another one we read 5+ times a day. He gets so excited if we bring this book out. I thought it was a funny concept and slightly ironic because Carman was in a band.
are you there little elephant - he loves to stick his fingers through the cut outs in this book. it's super cute and there are multiple different versions (animals).
birds of a color - one of the interactive books he's super into.
colors of the southwest - he just got this as an early birthday present from his aunt and uncle in Arizona. I love the colors and we've been introducing him to spanish.
what a wonderful world - we love to sing along to this book.
if I were an octopus - a "touch and feel" book.
goodnight california - we read this book every night before bed! super sentimental for us, since we moved from California last year.
can you eat - he's not SUPER into this book yet, compared to others. but he reaches for it when he's in the mood.
*** UPDATE! ***
Adding a few more books to our favorites list these days and updating / checking some off our wishlist!
tiny perfect things : we got Miles this for his birthday and he liked it at first, but now he LOVES it. We read it multiple times and he loves to find and point out new tiny things in all the pictures.
we are all works of art : another big favorite these days! I love the message about celebrating our differences and uniqueness and Miles is a big fan of all the different colors and shapes.
little white fish : he got this as a birthday present from a relative and its a super simple book about colors that he reaches for often!
I am a garbage truck : if your little one is anything like Miles, the garbage truck is one of their favorite things! Every Wednesday Miles waits by the window for the garbage and recycling guys to drive by in their big trucks. They honk and wave and it makes is whole week! safe to say, we read this book a lot. It's also a great way to start talking about recycling, reducing our waste etc Miles loves to recycle bottles and cans!
Roar! Roar! + Woof! Woof! : both of these animal flap books are mainstays. We do all the animal noises, talk about where animals live and what they like to do. Miles is super into elephants, monkeys and birds right now. I love that this is a series, so you can choose from lots of different animals!
goodnight mountains : we just picked this up while we were in Colorado and Miles is obsessed. He loved being in the mountains so much, I thought it'd be a perfect way to switch up his nighttime books. I love this goodnight series - there are so many places + options!
potty : I bought this on a whim a while ago and he loved it from the beginning. it has made him so interested in the potty that we're going to start (slowly) potty training and see if he's into it! no pressure or rush either way, but he's showing us signs that he might be ready and we're going to support him as long as he seems interested.
dragons love tacos (not pictured) : we got this for his birthday as well and when I tell you we've read this book 1000 times, I don't think I'm exaggerating. now the sequel is on our wishlist!
baby (not pictured) : another birthday book + favorite! it's so cute watching Miles point out all of his body parts as we read along.
i want my hat back (or the whole trilogy) (illustrated by Jon Klasson, his fav!)
toto's apple (i've heard kids love it, but spoiler alert - that the worm dies?!)
tough guys have feelings too (done by the same person who did my dad used to be so cool!)
color me: who's in the ocean (a bath book - because books are his favorite toy lol)
Moon (Miles is very into the moon lately)
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