There is so much inspiration out there. So many photos and magazines and Pinterest and Instagram. This day and age it’s hard to hone in on one thing and bring into focus something that’s truly yours. It’s important to sift through the inspiration and content and find your voice in your home. The same is true for your closet — if you’re constantly jumping at trends and ‘what she has in her house’, your house will hardly reflect you.
So let’s talk about our house, how we’ve come to our interior style, how and why it’s important to stay true to you.
I would describe our home as warm, natural, neutral and modern. It walks the line between minimal and eclectic — we have a few things we like to ‘collect’ (ceramics, books, rocks, plants) which is when it errs on the side of eclectic — but we are always editing. We’re minimal with as much as we can be and have a minimal color scheme of neutrals with pale, muted hues sprinkled in.
We like a simple and clean aesthetic. And I like nature. So we like to incorporate that where we can with natural elements like woods, branches and plants (which was also our wedding style — a thread of consistency!).
I believe in making our home beautiful and functional. As the years go by, we’ve been very thoughtful about the things we bring into our house. We try to think about how they’ll grow with us and one day how they’ll live in a house with kids. We look for transitional pieces that are both durable and beautiful — things we know we’ll still love in 5 years.
I want to create a home that is “past the need for perfection” (a quote from The Kinfolk Home), one that is made for living and growing and inviting people in. I don’t want a stiff, cold space that holds people at an arms length away. I want life to happen here. I want a space that begs to draw you in, to kick your feet up or lay on the floor. We’re big home bodies, so having a space that cultivates comfort and peace is huge for us.
Some of my favorite things in our home are bought used from flea markets or vintage shops, from one of our families or something handmade (either by us or a handy friend). We try to stray away from big box store items and seek out things that are more one of a kind - things with warmth and life in them.
Decorating our home is a slow and ongoing process — and thats just how I like it. I don’t want to decorate for the sake of it, our home is a curated collection of things we’ve collected over time. I don’t think a home is ever done — our space is always evolving and shifting and reflecting where we’re currently at in our lives and that’s what keeps it authentic. Especially while we live in an apartment, I find myself moving things around and rearranging even more so in the quest to feel settled in and make this rented space our home. While I think our space will always evolve, I’m excited to plant roots down and settle into a place when we buy a home one day.
My biggest piece of advice is to avoid mirroring the personalities and spaces that inspire you. Inspiration is a beautiful thing but a carbon copy isn’t authentic. Try to gain a solid understanding of what you love and why you love it. This knowledge will help you sift through inspiration to get to your core style and what truly expresses who you are through your home. Once you have that understanding, blend those threads into your own original vision, while working with your specific space.
Follow your instincts. Follow what you’re drawn to. Collect and curate based on your life, not someone else’s. Recognize things you’re drawn to time and time again rather than what’s currently trending, or getting what you saw in your friend’s house last week just because (if you like it, great! but make it authentic). Take that inspiration and find your voice and your own version in it and watch how your home will start to feel more like home as it reflects you.
I hope you enjoyed a mini-updated tour of our apartment currently! We are in the process of rearranging some things and potentially moving (!!) so the next update will reveal all the changes and what both of the bedrooms look like.
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